‘Articles may be submitted to the editor throughout the year. If they are ‘time sensitive’ please contact the editor by e-mail to discuss’

‘All submissions should be forwarded to the Editor David Adgar FRSA in a timely fashion; it would be courteous if possible to copy your Regional Co-Ordinator into any correspondence.’

All submissions may be subject to editorial change at the discretion of the editor.



Text should be submitted by email to as a separate attachment. Text should be in Word format (.doc). Please do not send it as a pdf.

Please avoid anything other than basic formatting. Fonts (Time New Roman is preferred), sizes and layout will be managed by the editors and designer.

Please do not embed photos within the document – these should be sent as separate files (see note on illustrations below).

Please ensure that all website and email addresses are checked and double-checked.

Please write words and titles in full. If your museum is known locally by a shortened version of its name, or by its initials, please ensure that at first mention the official name is given in full with the abbreviated version in parenthesis after. Thereafter you may use the shortened version.

Please spell check your article. If possible please include the word count at top of the article.

Contributors are asked to include their full contact details including a telephone number in case we need to verify or heavily edit anything.

Our standard author acknowledgement is name followed by any role (eg Chair, Friends of X Museum). If the article is co-written list all authors in same format and they should be included at end of the article.



We prefer images to be submitted at a high resolution at 300dpi (dots per inch) or higher. Never compress files; this can cause problems when opening them. They should be sent as separate .jpg files. You may wish to send images by Dropbox or other means.

Please do not download images from the internet for use unless you have appropriate permission to reproduce them).

If captions are required please rename the jpeg with the caption and if necessary any acknowledgment required – usually the photographer or the museum if it is one of their images. If you or a friend have taken the image and do not require acknowledgement please us know.

People in your article and images

Please ensure any individuals quoted in your articles are happy to be named. Please make sure their names are correct and in the form they prefer.

If individuals are photographed and might be identifiable, eg in an image of a museum event, please ensure you respect their privacy. Many museum signpost that events are to be photographed and ask individuals who do not want to be photographed to let them know. Ensure that all involved agree to the use of images, especially where children are involved as parents may be unwilling for images to be shared. Most museums have standard permission forms and you should follow their guidance.



All articles published represent the opinions of the author and should conform to acceptable cultural norms.

I hope these guidelines are helpful. If you have any queries do not hesitate to contact me for further information or advice. BAFM values your contributions and we want to celebrate the work of our members. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
