BAFM Impact Award winner
We are delighted to announce that the Friends of Upminster Windmill are the winners of…
BAFM is pleased to announce that the Marsh Charitable Trust has agreed to continue their involvement in the Friends of the Year Award in 2025. Full details will be published both online and in the next issue of the BAFM Journal. As usual, we aim to shortlist a range of groups and then the Award will be presented at the Bristol Conference in October. The winner (or winners) will receive a cheque funded by the Marsh Charitable Trust and as usual a Certificate of Merit from BAFM. I’m pleased to make the first mention of an additional award to be made in 2025. We wish to recognise individual merit from members of the BAFM family, again in partnership with the Marsh Charitable Trust. This could be an individual who has made a massive impact over recent years or someone who has worked solidly over a number of years to support your group. More details to follow but try to identify someone who deserves recognition; the award winner will receive a cheque for £500 which they can allocate towards a ‘project of passion’; an acquisition for the collection, an educational project or even subsidising an event for members.
Dave Adgar FRSA